Search Engine Optimization

I’m sure many of you have heard of SEO before, some may know what it means others may not. It is simply following best practices recommended by the search engines, with the intention of getting your website as close to the top as possible. The search engines, such as Google, tell you some of the rules and some they keep very secret. They also don’t want anyone to cheat by breaking the rules and forcing a website to the top, there are guys that do this usually referred to as “Black Hats”, they are usually found out very quickly by the search engines and the website they got to the top is literally thrown off the search engine.

For the most part the search engines want a high quality site in terms of appearance, correct coding, correct content (no spelling or grammar errors). there are several other things as well take a look at this SEO-report just done for one of our customers (Did you notice that mobile friendliness is also a parameter). This will give you an idea of what is looked for, unfortunately many penalise themselves simply by not doing the right thing and not knowing what the right thing is.

What you want is for your website to attract lots of visitors, and hope that some of those visitors will actually buy your product or service, don’t fall into the trap of believing that people will coming flocking to your website just because you have one, you still need to tell them it’s there. So your traditional marketing doesn’t go away, your website becomes an additional tool, if used properly, that is where SEO comes in. Talk to us