Biltong on-line

Biltong on-line

ATS-Traders Biltong on-line We have just upgraded a website for our existing customer ATS-Traders, they now have an on-line shop to sell their award winning biltong products, a wide variety of flavours to choose from as well as a recipe section showing various...
New customer “Aquapol”

New customer “Aquapol”

We have a new customer “Aquapol” Thetaware has recently acquired Aquapol as a customer, if you haven’t heard of them they have a permanent solution to rising damp you can check out their website here. We didn’t build the website but we have...
New website for Nutrispice

New website for Nutrispice

We have recently completed a new website for Nutrispice, Nutripice are suppliers of spices for cooking. They can supply whole and ground spices, the spices are organically grown and have no added flavours, colours or any other additives. There are a variety of spices...
Google Speed Ranking Update

Google Speed Ranking Update

Ranking Speed on Mobile devices The internet is an incredibly large resource of information, from a desktop in the office this is easy to access, nowadays it is also easy to access the information from a mobile smartphone or tablet. However, on mobile speed of access...