CArtoon talking on cell phoneNow before going any further understand we are not promoting unsolicited bulk SMS that we all know and hate, advertising you never asked for, competitions you’ve won that you didn’t enter, anyway you know what we mean. No we’re talking about using SMS as an office tool.

Calling cell phones

Nearly everyone has a cell phone, but calling a cell phone can get expensive especially when you simply want, for example,  to inform the client their product is repaired, the costs is R X.00, you can collect at 1:35 pm. That’s all they need to know and that’s all you need to say by SMS. Both money and time saved, there are hundreds of other uses: calling staff for a meeting, anniversaries, new product promotions or updates.

What about those anniversaries, birthdays we keep forgetting, such SMS’s can be prepared and set to be delivered automatically at a preset date and time.

Even better you don’t have to tap away on your tiny cell phone screen or keyboard, use a full size keyboard on your desktop to avoid embarrassing typos (Yes they haven’t gone out of fashion just yet), receive responses to your phone or email, there are many other features check it out here on this website or click here to sign up.